Never underestimate the power of communication. You need to keep in contact with your visitors, your merchants and other people and websites in a similar field to your websites subject content.
It is important to keep up to date with latest developments and the best way to do this is to join other peoples mailing lists who will send you up to the minute information. This might be new products or product reviews, or information media. Keeping your self at the forefront means that you can pass on new information to your readership. Send your mailing list the odd News Flash between newsletters. You can also use any new information to add new content to your website.
Keeping in contact with your merchant's means that you will find out when they are running sales, offers and other promotional events. This information is great bait for guiding traffic to that particular merchant and getting cookies on your visitor's computers.
Merchants are also very keen to help affiliates, after all they want to boost their own sales. Keep your merchants informed of your own promotional developments. They will be particularly interested if you have a specific advertising strategy that could involve them and draw in lots of traffic, such as a show or demonstration or competition.
If you are approaching large websites or companies to ask for samples to review or competition prizes, you will receive a better reception if you contact them via the telephone. This enables the merchant to develop a relationship with you and that in turn help to build trust. Additionally it is a lot harder to ignore someone in person compared to a click of the mouse to delete an email, which contained the same information. To keep your telephone costs down I strongly recommend using Skype, which offers free telephone calls to landline telephones.
Another great way of building relationships with other websites and companies is to attend shows. There are often exhibitions up and down the country. This can offer you the chance to meet people who you have been promoting for as well as meeting new ones to discuss new ventures on the horizon.
Because communication and interaction is such an important advertising medium Bots are a real asset to any website. They appear to interact with your visitors, delivering information in an audio format. The bot can be fashioned to look however you wish and they will announce a set text or you can record your own message. Bot are also appealing because they are relatively new and visitors do tend to listen to the entire message enchanted by them. If only text could have the same effect