For being a country which is based on migration from one country to another, our government and all the right wing so called "Patriots" sure are making such a huge fuss. Last time I checked everyone who lives in this country is an immigrant.
All Immigrants (not just Mexicans) contribute 7 billion in social security per year. They earn 240 billion, report 90 billion, and only are reimbursed 5 billion, "where are the 85 billion?" What happened to healthcare? Immagrants contribute 25 billion more in healthcare then they receive.
But according to those who want to classify immigrants as Mexican border jumpers, are those who run the media, who are passing silly laws to make the USA into a huge concentration camp and strip your American rights away, They call Immagrants, " a drain on society." So come May 1st, 2006 we will see who is draining this country. Neo-con white house fear and hate mongers are saying that the stereotypical Immigrant doesn't mean anything to this country. We will see!
A National Boycott is being called, where all immigrants of this country of all creeds, races, and color, will participate in No Work, No School, No Sales, and No Buying and that means NO GAS!