I'd like to start off this article by listing why cooking is just so important. Food is essential for life, and its one of the nicest things about it. The average person spends over 10,000 hours of their lifetime just eating. Thats a long time. So why waste your time eating foods that fatten you, taste disgusting, or have the potential to taste a lot better?
Keeping this in mind, I decided to purchase a Cooking Book the high-tech way - buying it off the Internet. With just a quick Google search I was confronted with literally thousands of Cooking Books, all for ridiculously high prices.
After spending about an hour looking through the various websites I decided to buy a Cooking Book on baking 'great tasting, low carb foods'. My order was processed and I downloaded (!!!!) the entire Cooking Book. I was severely disappointed. Most of these recipes I knew already or just tasted absolutely bizarre. Slightly disheartened and $20 poorer, I continued my search.
Eventually I found a good selection of professional quality Cooking Books. Then the thought occurred to me - I'm obviously not the only one having these problems, why not make a business out of helping others!
Two months on, and I'm happy to bring you the Atevra Cooking Shack. Every time I find a cheap, informative Cooking Book for sale on the Internet I add the link to the site. I make money through people clicking the Google adverts on the side of each page!
You spend over 10,000 hours of your life eating food, and for just the small price of the Cooking Books listed on the website you could make those 10,000 hours more enjoyable. Not only as my cooking ability improved with these books, but also my social status - my friends love my cooking!