All the worrying you may do--about making money, being a good parent, having fun, getting a raise, achieving your ultimate goals--means nothing if you are neglecting the vehicle--your body--that allows you to do all those things.
If you are unhealthy, inactive or sedentary chances are you are less likely to balance your life to achieve all your goals, less likely to be a wonderful, caring and responsive parent, and less likely to have money, business and personal success you desire.
People who neglect their health by not eating properly, not exercising frequently and by not following through on their health and fitness commitments are people who will not be as successful and live a life full of energy and vitality and happiness.
Your life's successes are directly linked to your success in managing your health and fitness.
Since you need to make your health a number one priority, let's look at it from the perspective of another habit you've grown accustomed to over the years. Showering.
I've always been fascinated with how we Americans will go to tremendous lengths to clean our outsides when our insides are as nasty as the local dump!
Most people here in America shower almost everyday. Let's say the average is 5-6 showers a week. When we were children, we were told that you must keep yourself clean in order to fight off disease and, of course, be able to talk to other people without offending them with your stench. Even the dirtiest of people manage to shower once in a while, right?! Why? Because they are aware of the necessity to keep themselves clean.
People always find the time to shower. It's already built into their day. They do it in the morning, or in the evening. Some women (and men as well) can take not only an hour to shower, but an additional 1-2 hours getting their hair ready or putting on make-up. I'm sure this hits home to some degree, whether this is a friend or it happens to be you.
In terms of cleanliness, showering is good for the exterior of your body. And as Americans we have this down to a science. We have body lotions, deodorant soaps, shampoos, shampoo-conditioners, conditioning shampoos, hair gels, body perfumes, etc. Chances are you have one, two--if not all of these products in your bathroom. I know we do! But again this is cleanliness on the outside.
In terms of cleanliness for your insides, our best option is a well-balanced mix of mental growth, exercise, eating habits and detoxification.
Now here's the disconnect between showering habits (outer cleaning) and exercising/healthy habits (inner cleaning). Depending on where you get your information, you'll find that at least 25-40% of all Americans are sedentary. Sedentary means that a person has no leisure time activity. Not once a week, not once a month. Sedentary means NONE. This would be equivalent to never cleaning the inside of your body, ever!
What does this mean? It means that 25-40% of Americans are filthy on their insides! And even more Americans who only exercise once or twice a week or eat relatively decent foods are pretty dirty as well. Why even bother showering, when your insides are neglected every single day.
Your insides are much more important than your outsides.
Your cells, organs, muscles and bones have no chance of survival if you do not keep them healthy by exercise, diet and self-improvement. Cleaning yourself externally by showering and facial creams will only remove some bacteria, oils and sweat.
Cleaning yourself internally will actually give you more benefits in terms of appearance than a bar of soap and moisturizing cream. People who are hydrated properly and eat many water containing foods have healthy, shiny skin--the same type of skin that a topical can only hope to emulate!
For some reason or another, someone dropped the ball when it comes to informing us that we need to take care of our bodies and that cleanliness starts from the insides. Anything else is just the same as the cover up women put on their faces--a quick fix.
Put the ball in your court and become aware of your body and how it reacts to exercise and the food you eat and you'll notice a huge difference in how clear your skin looks, how toned your muscles start to become, how much energy you seem to still have at the end of the day and how much closer you are to your business, fitness and personal goals!
This is something worth working out for!
About the Author Kevin Gianni is the author of "The Busy Person's Fitness Solution." He is on a personal mission to de-mystify health and fitness and demonstrate how easy it is for busy people to be in great shape.
He is the creator of the revolutionary "50-Second Fitness Quick Fix Video-zine"--the revolutionary, FREE video fitness newsletter.
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