If you suffer from yeast infections, you are all too familiar with the pain, frustration and distress they can cause. What you may not know is what causes these nasty infections, what the common symptoms are, and what treatment options are available to you. This short, easy-to-read article puts it all together.
What Causes Yeast Infections?
Yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of yeast in the body.
Although yeast exists in healthy bodies, when the body's environment changes that yeast can over-grow and cause an infection.
Risk Factors for Yeast Infections
Several factors that disrupt the body's normal balance can increase your risk of contracting a yeast infection. These factors include:
* Use of antibiotics * Use of steroids * Use of birth control pills * Use of spermicides * Use of IV injections * Stress * Unprotected sex * Anal sex * Hormonal changes in women associated with pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menopause * Frequent use of harsh douches that damage organisms that suppress the growth of yeast * Wearing wet clothing or clothing made of materials that traps moisture and heat * Weakened immune systems resulting from diseases such as Cancer and HIV/AIDS * Diabetes * Obesity * Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
What are Common Symptoms of Yeast Infections?
Yeast infection signs and symptoms can vary depending on the location of the infection. Generally speaking, however, the following symptoms can apply to common yeast infections.
* Red irritating rash in and around the infected area * Itching and/or burning in and around the infected area * Tenderness of infected area * Dry, red scaly patches on the infected area * Red erosive area on skin * Pain when urinating * Abnormal discharge from infected area * Pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse
Of course, if you are experiencing any of the above listed symptoms, that doesn't necessarily mean that you have a yeast infection. Consult your doctor for proper diagnoses before beginning any type of medical treatment.
How to Treat Your Yeast Infection
The first essential step in effectively treating your yeast infection is to get an accurate diagnosis from your doctor. This can not be overstated, especially if you do not have a history of yeast infections. Common symptoms could be signs of many different types of infections, including bacteria infections which require all together different treatments. So, make sure that you do indeed have a yeast infection before you begin treatment.
Yeast infections can be effectively treated and cured with antifungal medication, which can come in the form of tablets, vaginal suppositories, creams or gels. A variety of these antifungal over-the-counter treatments are readily available. Doctor's may also recommend prescription medication to cure severe cases.
Many over-the-counter medications and therapies only treat your symptoms--they don't cure the yeast infection. You want to ensure that your treatment not only soothes your discomfort, but kills the yeast infection as well.
Oral medications that contain antibiotics can actually cause yeast infections and may produce systemic side-effects; to include damage to your liver. Pills can also take time to work, as it takes a while for chemicals to disperse throughout the body.
You have choices! Homeopathic yeast infection gels may be your best bet. These give you an alternative way of treating your yeast infection naturally without pills, messy creams, or side-effects. They are a safe and effective way for you to fight back against the torment of yeast infections--and WIN!
About the Author Mark Reinhard is President and founder of Richmond Pharamceutical Labs, Inc., a Virginia-based pharmaceutical company committed to making natural, safe and effective personal hygiene products for men and women. Visit Novofem.com to learn more about Novofem's natural douche and yeast infection treatment products.