The skin cancer is mainly caused due to the exposure of your skin to the ultra violent sun rays. This cancer goes deeper into the skin and takes years to cure it. The sunburn which happens will fade but that damage the deeper layer of the skin which eventually turns into skin cancer. The sunshine makes us to feel good but it the ultra violent radiations may causes risk to the skin. We are more exposed to sun during our childhood and this cancer may occur to us before the age of 18. So it is need to have sun safe habits which begins in the childhood and lasts up to the final breath. As the ultra violet rays causes premature aging, eye damaging, greater risk of skin cancer and many other factors also.
Now days the teens are getting attracted to many beauty products to look themselves more beautiful and attractive. But they are unknown that these products are worth at the cancer risk. Many think that this cancer occurs only to the people of elderly age not to the teenagers. This skin cancer has become a serious problem as every year the number of cases is increasing and many people are getting diagnosed with this cancer.
Skin cancer can be cured when it is found in the early stage. But it should be treated by a physician and the precautions are to be followed for its cure. So we should be careful enough and take care of our skin than to suffer when it is attacked.
The skin cancer is classified into three types. They are: * basal cell carcinomas * squamous cell * malignant melanoma
The first two cancers are not at high risk and they can be treated at its initial stage as they are slow growing cancers. But the malignant melanoma cancer is the one which is dangerous as it grows faster and spreads very quickly.
The people who are at risk are the fair skin people, with light eyes, red hair, lots of moles or freckles. The people who have a family history of skin cancer and also who are more exposed to the ultra violent rays of the sun in younger age are at higher risk of skin cancer. The main cause for this cancer is the exposure of the skin more to the ultraviolet radiations. These ultra violet radiations which in short called as UV rays damage the DNA it also causes sunburn and sun tan on the skin. When this sunburn happens then the skin looks prematurely old and wrinkled. So, to protect from the UV rays of the sun you must cultivate the habit of wearing sunglasses, hats or clothing with the habit of having sunscreen lotion. This can control and safe treated by natural and herbal supplements
This skin cancer can cause to any one but the person who is above fifty with fair skin is more at the risk. It also can cause to the younger or the dark skinned people who are more exposed to the UV rays of the sun are at higher risk of getting this cancer. This cancer takes the form of a sore or pimple that does not heal. It is a cancer which is usually painless. The indications of this cancer are new growth on the skin, change in existing skin growth and a sore that does not heal. But the changes cannot be called as the symptom for skin cancer. So, we can have the self examine of this skin cancer, that is after a shower or bath to check the skin in front of a full length mirror in a well lighted room and see check the skin. Other than the birth marks, moles on our body we have to check that are there any other new marks on the body and is there any change in their growth, size, colour and also should observe whether it is itching, scaliness, bleeding, tenderness or pain.
This cancer survival rate is five years that is if the person is diagnosed for the first time after the survival of the skin cancer. It also depends on the factors that include the early diagnosing of the disease makes the cure of the skin cancer effectively treated. It is an urge need to know the signs and symptoms of the skin cancer as the factors of its occurring are more and this is more developing in the recent years.
People who are treated with skin cancer should have a regular follow up visits to check the tumor site and make sure that the cancer may not come back in the same place or its reoccurrence. If it is found then the additional treatment is needed. They should be regular medical checkups, examine their skin regularly and take the sun exposure precautions.
Preventing the skin cancer is preferable than treating it. So this treatment of the skin cancer depends on some of the reasons that are the thickness of the cancer, level of the cancer, your age and general health and other aspects. So it is an urge need that you must take care of your skin by preventing it from the UV rays and having frequent check to prevent it by using the medications which increases the sensitivity to sunlight and reduces the greater risk for sunburn. If you are not satisfied with the treatments that you have got till now and you are fed up with them. Then here is a line of attack that makes you to find a new life with the herbal treatments given by our specialist with no side effects. Have a look over it and try it for fast curative and get exonerate of it.
About the Author
Dr Jack is a Conventionally Trained Western Medical Doctor from India and fellow of American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). He is also trained in traditional supplements since the age of 5 years complimentary alternate supplements. Mo