The subconscious mind can be made to believe in certain things and also can be schematized to mental associations generally for a specific purpose. The technique to accomplish this is through self hypnosis. Some people also like to call it a self induced brain washing. A mental visualization of the individual's belief can quicken this process of auto suggestion.
Forms and methods of Self Hypnosis
These can come in any form and then go on to becoming self hypnosis. For instance meditation, prayers, a quick pep talk, also something as trivial as a new year resolution that can go on to take a serious 'avtar' if given adequate attention.
Self hypnosis begins when the mind is continuously bombarded with certain thoughts till they don't get internalized. These thoughts then become transmuted into beliefs and then eventually into actualities. Verbal affirmation and the use of the internal voice to think affect the mind directly and lead to self hypnosis.
These practices are often taken up to achieve an alternate reality in the present world. Thus often forms of hypnosis are condemned as escapist. They are undertaken to bring about a change in the actions or lifestyles or psychological build up of people and latest to be added to this category is the physical build up also.
At times we find people reading out lines that they have written to themselves about how they want to be and repeat them till they fall asleep. People have actually claimed the effect of such practices and have found them astonishingly significant. These practices have reportedly countered a lot of ailing problems for them like a lack of confidence, lifetime fears, mental faculties that have suddenly started being on the upswing, when they had been depleting at a fast pace etc.
What is more surprising is physical changes like growing taller, eradication of diseases that had been ailing them for long since, improved eyesight have also been credited to the practice of self hypnosis.
The claims that autosuggestions and self hypnosis make have not bee proven by any recognized institution or given any recognition but, they seem to suggest that change like eradication of diseases, and the permanent disappearance of chronic illnesses could have something to do with the functions of the cells being replicated by the power of the brain.
These incidents that have been cited go a long way in establishing the central role of the brain in regulating our lives and also the important role that the unconscious plays in it. The unconscious also acts like a satellite that first receives the signals and then relays them as and when required.
These go as far as deliberately conditioning the mind through the technique of self hypnosis, however a similar effect can also be observed in people who are not deliberately trying to do something similar to their minds. If some thoughts occupy the conscious mind for too long then, the affect the subconscious mind such that the individual's beliefs are fashioned according to those thoughts deliberately.
Thus the mechanism of obsessions and auto fixations replicates the function of self hypnosis in this case.