If you're in need of low cost term life insurance quotes, then this is the life insurance you may be looking for. Term life insurance policies are the least expensive life insurance policies available and they give a death benefit for a specified number of years. At the end of this 'term' your policy coverage ends unless you decide to renew it.
Term life insurance quotes can be a big help for everyone who is on a tight budget, but are wanting to have the life insurance protection they need in the event of their death. As a benefit you may also be able to change your term policy for a whole life policy at any time. Of course, as it is with all life insurance policies, your beneficiary will not be charged federal or state taxes upon your death.
Here's a quick look at the different term life insurance policies available today.
Annual Renewable Term
This life policy is the most common form of term life insurance sold today. It is a low cost, affordable life insurance policy that really appeals to younger people. The death benefit remains level for the duration of the policy term and it is used mostly to pay off debts in the event of your death. Keep in mind that the older you get, the more expensive term life coverage gets.
Decreasing Term Life
A decreasing term life insurance works very well in protecting a mortgage on your house. Just as the name says, this policy decreases the death benefit each year it remains in force.
5-Year and 10-Year Term Life
5 and 10 year term life policies provide coverage for a set number of years only. Premiums for these types of policies are generally inexpensive and they are non-renewable.
15-Year and 20 - 25 - and 30 Year Term Life
These term life policies allow you to pick the length of time that you need coverage for and pay a set level premium for that period of time. They work great for families with young children living at home. For example: you have a 5 year old daughter and you want to be sure that your spouse and child are taken care in the event you pass away. Your family will need to have cash on hand to meet the regular expenses of day to day life in addition to future educational expenses. A 20 or 25 year term policy would fill this need perfectly. Term life insurance quotes are also very affordable.