If you are a gardener or a flower lover person then you must have came across bulb flowers. These bulb flowers are liked by most of the gardeners, as they need less care and bloom again for many consecutive seasons without replanting them. Now you must have understood the reason why the bulb flowers are so popular.
Choosing the perfect or suitable bulb flower is a difficult task for most of the gardeners. An experienced gardener who has dealt with bulb flowers can recognize the best one among all other flowers. It is important to choose the firmest and largest bulbs when you are choosing bulbs for your garden because of the reason that the more firm the bulb is healthier it is. The other thing to look for is that the bulb is not cracked nor has scars as they may become too dry to bloom. Soft or mushy bulb flowers are unlikely to bloom even in the best climate. Once planted such bulbs that have begun to spout roots would be a chore for the gardener.
The best season to plant the bulbs is the fall period that is during the early to mid October. It is better to plant the bulbs six weeks in advance before the freezing climate of ground begins. Therefore the season to plant bulbs differ from place to place.
The type of bulb determines the depth in which they should be planted and the type of soil they require. For instance, the daffodil and hyacinth bulbs are planted six inches deep, tulip bulbs at a depth of eight inches whereas crocus bulbs are generally planted four inches deep.
To get that uniform look of the blooming garden you must use a bulb planter, a simple gardening tool used to line up the plants in a straight row. Some gardeners use a single hole to plant several bulb plants at one place but it must be done only are experienced otherwise it would create some unusual pattern of flowers.
While planting bulbs it is advisable to use fertilizer at the bottom of the hole where you will plant bulbs and top it with a thin layer of soil as the bulb may get damaged if placed on the top of fertilizer. The ground should be watered after filling the hole with the soil when you have finished planting the bulb.
There are a few important things to remember even though bulbs are among the hardiest of garden plants. You must ensure that there are no deadheading, therefore remove all the spent blooms to allow more blooms to develop in the garden. But remember not to remove the leaves from the plants until they start turning brown or are dead.
Even in warmer climates it is advisable to take care of the bulb plants in the winter season as with some breeds of bulbs such as dahlias you need to remove them and store in a dry and cool place.
You may be a new or experienced gardener, but these bulb flowers are a favorite of all. The beauty, colors and hardiness of bulb flowers overwhelm the gardeners.
About the Author
Greg Culver is the owner of www.homeandfamilyarena.com. For information and articles on your home and family go to: www.homeandfamilyarena.com