For a start I was very interested in getting to grips with these concepts. J. D. Fuentes goes to work straight away with his concepts of seduction and I got the impression right from the start that this guy knows what he is talking about. The author goes to great lengths to explain the differences betweent he male and female minds and the result is a clear understanding which is fundamental to seduction. The truth is that most guys really have no idea of these concepts and I have to say that this is a terrible shame. Once a man gets to grips with even this most basic concept then his success rate with women will go up even without the conversational techniques demonstrated later in the book. Once you have the concepts down and integrated it would be horribly unwise to not move on to the conversational skills that Fuentes teaches. I can tell you from experience that by the application of these skills you will have women utterly fascinated with you and hungry for more. These are the skills that mark a great difference between the exceptional men and the "kens" of this world. By "Ken" I refer to a man who tries to get by solely on his looks, his money or his status or whatever. By "an exceptional man", I refer to a man who knows how to capture a womans imagination. There are plenty of Kens in this world... and they are boring. The woman knows full well that (if she is attractive) a whole bunch of guys are going to hit on her with the typical dumb lines. You have to stand out as so mething radically different or you end up being put on the "Ken pile" with the label "rejected" slapped on your forehead.
Let me illustrate this: On saturday I went out with the intention to try out some sexual key techniques. I got into a conversation with a very beautiful American girl and she was telling me about a "pleb" (her word) who she had suffered a "conversation" with earlier that night. This guy was an expert in "Ken" techniques and did nothing but try to impress her with his handsome face, his bank account and also his job. One of the first things to come out of his mouth was that he was a cameraman for the TV and he looked at her as if to say "Have I impressed you yet?". Nope. Personally I had been steeped in sexual key and gut impact for over a week now and was showering her with the gifts that the product provides. She went from emotional state to emotional state. She went deeply into rapport. Her eyes were locked into mine. She insisted on introducing me to her friends (who all received the same treatment of course). I left her and her friends for a while onthe p`retense of going to the toilet, thus giving her time to process my words and her feelings, giving her time to talk about me with her friends and of course making her wonder if I was coming back. Of course I returned. When I got back, one of the guys from another group had moved in and was trying a typical "Ken" routine on her. I watched as she skillfully blew him off and returned defensively to her group. I left her a few minutes to give her the opportunity really miss me and then returned. When she saw me she stuffed a scrunched up piece of paper into my hand, went bright red and giggled. Her friend called over to me "She doesn't have a boyfriend."
Well I dont think you need any more detaills. I can tell you that if you actually take the time to study this product, and really study it seriously, then you will have skills with women that other guys just have no idea about. Women will be looking foreward to the next conversation with you and you willbe able to elevate that conversation to an erotic level in a way that she will not only permit, but welcome and participate in. This stuff is totally arousing for her. You will be generating incredible lust within her and creating a connectin with her that she will like a lot.
Out of all the seduction material that is on the market, this is one of the effective ones. Believe me I have read them all. To be honest, I found that the style was a little dry. You get a lot of technical information and I found it a little humourless. It takes a little perseverance to stay with the course all the way to the end. Frankly it is worth it. Go with it. Study to the end and put it into practice. You can even ask a female friend to give you her opinion on it and I could almost guarentee that she will tell you that this is what she has been hoping that men would do for all her life.