Perhaps you are one of those thousands of Americans that do not understand the basic policies of their auto insurance coverage very well and would like to have detailed information on the matter. Although you do not have to be an expert on insurances, you may comprehend at least some important things that contain your auto insurance contract. You will find that lots of companies in the market offer different kinds of coverage with different policies. As a result, the best that you can do is find out about the main parts of your contract and see if they respond to your needs.
Usually, a typical auto insurance contract has five essential parts which are titled: declarations, coverage parts/insuring agreement, exclusions, conditions and definitions. The first part contains all the personal facts of drivers such as name and address, model and makes of your vehicle(s), policy number and policy duration and vehicle identification number(s). Also, it includes general details about the type of coverage that you purchased and your policy limits and deductibles.
The second part details more about economic returns for your payment and things such as medical, collision, comprehensive, and liability. The third part contains all the details about what is not covered to avoid difficulties at the moment that you make a claim. The fourth part is named conditions and encompasses the legal responsibilities of both the insurer and the insured. It includes requirements such as steps to file a claim, premium payment and procedures for resolving differences. The fifth and last part will help you with definitions of terms while summarizing the rights of the insurance company and the policyholder.