In 1894 year began a strike in Chicago. They were fighting for better labor conditions a raise of their salary. The government set an investigation of the circumstances that lead to this strike. The workers believed in "the justice" and "independence" of the court. The evaluation that those judges gave to the strike was very different of what the workers hoped for. An example is the letter of William Taft : "An outrageous strike. The military should kill several people..., so the peace is restored. Only 6 people were killed...This is hardly enough to make an impression ..." Taft is no ordinary man. Later in his life he was a very important man in the Supreme court, and in 1909 year he became the president of the USA.
Those kind of strikes are not an isolated case. The speed with which the American capitalism developed, exceeded the one that was in England and France in the early 20th century. USA was the first country in industrial manufacture. The fast development of car manufacture, agricultural machine-building and other things needed a development in the way electric power was extracted. The precondition for the fast development of the manufacture is the fact that USA did not suffer from the devastating wars lead in Europe and also the harsh exploration of European and asian settlers. From 1870 till 1900 year in the USA came 14 million people.
In the early 20th century came into existence the monopoly as capitalism. In 1904 year the big capitalist alliances in USA produced ¾ of the whole industrial production in the country. The most powerful monopoly were the petroleum trust of Rockfeler who loved to say: "God send me to this world to make money." The capitalist Morgan was also a vivid person , who began his career as journalist, in the beginning of the 20th century he was a banker owned the principal metallurgical companies in USA. But the monopoly in USA did not participate in the capture of the colonies in Asia and Africa because at that time they were already distributed. Countries like USA, Germany and Japan, in which the capitalism grows , prepared to distribute the colonial world through out wars that they provoked.