Almonds have long been seen as a food ingredient that was fit for a feast of gods. Though their origins have never been definitely ascertained, it is presumed that they originated in China and the Central Asian belt ages ago. The Bible mentions it and so does the Egyptian records maintained on faded papyruses, which are preserved even to this date. As the Almonds traveled in the bags of travelers through the silk route between Asia and the Mediterranean countries as a result of trade, they were gradually made more and more popular in Europe. The Romans believed that almonds accentuated fertility and thus, newly married couples were showered with these nuts during their wedding rituals. In today's world Almonds have undergone quite a makeover. They are today incorporated into a number of products including the yummy and nutritious Organic Almond Butter. The best kinds of Almond Butter are made when the Almonds are roasted before churning them into butter. One of the most important reasons that Almonds are favored as a health food is because they have a high level of mono-saturated fats. informs you on some of the main characteristics of Organic Almonds and their various products.
Organic Almonds are fruits of deciduous trees native to Asian and North African terrain. Organ