Since the attacks of September 11, 2001 nearly 5 years ago there has not been one single act of terrorism carried out on American soil. President Bush has kept America terror free for 5 years. This is no small accomplishment. We will never know how many innocent American men, women and children President Bush has saved over the past 5 years from merciless terror attacks.
People angry with Religion often point to the Crusades, the 300 year Inquisition, the pogroms and the Holocaust as atrocities caused in the name of God. What they do not tell you is how many innocent men, women and children have been saved because of Religion. It was the Pope who stopped the Barbarian carnage from wiping out the Roman Empire. How many human Barbarians over the millennia have refrained from killing countless innocent men, women and children because of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism etc. and their countless messages of love? Just a few of these peaceful messages are "Don't Murder", "love your enemies", "love your neighbor as you love yourself" and "I'll have that with pepperoni, green olives, and mushroom clouds please."
The Muslim people believe that America attacked Iraq in order to conquer the Middle East oil fields. Why would they think that? Just because President Bush is a Texas oilman and Vice President Cheney's Haliburton Energy Company has been awarded all of the war contracts without having to bid? As Perry Mason said to Hamilton Burger, "You have an obvious devotion to the obvious." The reason that President Bush publicly declared a Christian Crusade after 9/11 and led his Christian Army into Muslim Afghanistan, Iraq and next Iran is simple. It was good old fashioned revenge for 9/11. By his words and actions President Bush has said to the Muslim world, "If you ever again attack my country, I will wipe your entire country right off the face of the earth forever." The Muslim world understands this and this is the reason that America has been terror free for the last 5 years. They understand that if they hit the White House again, it will be no more Mr. Nice Guy from President Bush and Vice President Cheney.
Oh that this were the end of the story. When God handed the 10 commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai 3,200 years ago today he said that if a person broke a commandment like "Don't Murder" that he God would punish the sinner. There was no provision for punishment in the 10 commandments. For this reason the Bible writers and bloggers of the time were forced to create a criminal code. The 6th commandment which has been adopted by Islam, Christianity and Judaism is not "Don't Kill." It is accurately translated from the Hebrew "Don't Murder." Self defense is a defense to murder. The self defense issue tied the Bible writers up in Don Knotts. Because of this the Bible has the Prince of Peace, Mr. Absolute Pacifist, Mr. Turn the other cheek, Mr. Don't hit back even in self defense, saying, "I have not come to bring you peace but the sword."
This is the beauty of the Bible. You can justify anything and be saved from eternal damnation in Hell as long as you say, "Jesus I love you I believe in you please forgive me." The American soldiers who committed the massacre of innocent women and children in Haditha have a built in defense. They did it on the direct instructions of God of Mount Sinai right in the Old Testament which has now been adopted by Christianity, Islam and Judaism. There are countless passages such as "If any person leads you away from the word of your God I command you to go their city and kill every last man, woman and child. Show them no mercy. Then take all of their possessions and their cattle and burn their city right to the ground, for it shall be a sacrifice unto me your God of Mount Sinai, aka Jesus, Allah, Elohim, etc. Deuteronomy 13. All the defense lawyer has to say at the trial of the soldiers being sentenced to life in prison for killing people in Iraq is that one of the Muslim men in Haditha that day shouted out, "I disagree with John 1:1!" Case dismissed.
Why is it that 70% of Americans including the Dixie Chicks Natalie, Emily and Marty want the American soldiers to come home from Iraq now but even the Democratic frontrunner Hilary Clinton refuses to bring the troops home? Is it because the TV stations own the politicians and ratings for the war have never been higher? It's like watching "Survivor Tehran". Sex and violence sell television, movies and cosmetics. Revlon has a new ad coming out with Kimberly Dozier applying her lipstick as her legs blew off. The first thing that CBS did when their 2 journalist were killed in Iraq this week was express their sympathies to the families, as they embedded this little message: "The CBS journalists killed and maimed today volunteered to go to Iraq." People love to pass the buck.
President Bush in his march to Jerusalem to meet Jesus coming down in glory on his flying white horse to congratulate him on a Crusade well done has so endangered the American men, women and children forever that it's a tragic comedy. The writing is on the wall. The Muslims have so much oil wealth under their feet that they can now purchase countless nuclear bombs from India which just purchased them from the United States, not to mention from China, North Korea and Russia which has now had it with Putin and is reverting back to the anti-semitic anti American cold war boys.
Thanks to the internet we have a source of intelligence - which posts daily news articles translated into English and video clips with English subtitles from every country on earth to show the American people what the rest of the world is saying about the United States. The prowess of the FBI and the CIA and the Department of Homeland Security was beautifully demonstrated on 9/11 and after Hurricane Katrina. What about Nagin for President? The American incursion into the Middle East has so emboldened the Muslim people against America that they are now screaming and goose stepping and doing the arm salute and deifying President Ahmindejad in the streets of Tehran.
Without American spies and viewers getting their news from Fox news and Wolf Blitzer would think that in fact the mission had been accomplished and that America had won the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people when in fact the theocracy in Iran is licking their lips at the opportunity to produce and purchase nuclear weapons to knock America off its perch and conquer the world for Islam. The world religions are leading us all right into the Apocalypse, the sudden violent end of life on Earth forever. This is all fascinating stuff but has anyone told you that every nuclear scientist knows that nuclear world war 3 and its aftermath nuclear winter and then ultraviolet summer will have precisely zero survivors left on earth? Our only hope of survival in a nuclear age is to make world peace. By definition we could all achieve everlasting world peace tonight at the United Nations if we chose to. All 200 men and women have to do is to put up their hands and vote "Yes". How many ambassadors does it take to screw in a light bulb? 200. Lets save the testosterone for the world cup and the bedroom, boys. Pass me my lipstick, please.