I love my pets and think of them as family members. I have two dogs a rottweiler/dobberman mix named Harley, which is 110 pounds of love and still believes he is a puppy when it comes to playing around or trying to go to sleep. He takes up more than half of my bed and he crushes me when he trys to lay on me. My other dog is a westie named Roscoe, who is the most loyal dog I have ever seen in my life. This dog follows my mother around like he permanently leashed to her leg and moans at her as if he were talking to her.
One of the worst things to happen when having a pet of any kind is seeing them in pain and you have no idea what to do. A completely helpless feelings because they can't tell you where it hurts and if they could you probably couldn't help them anyway, your no vet.
I just had a similar situation, Harley was shaking uncontrolably and he eyes rolling into the back of he head. My family and I had no idea what to do, like I said before completely helpless.
Our first instinct told us two things. One, this is it, we are watching him die in front of our eyes.Which is an terrible feeling I hope no one has to experience that. Two, we have to get him to a vet as fast as possible.
The problem is that these events are absolutly unpredictible and can strike at the worst possible times. In Harley's case there was a 24 hour vet just down the road and it turn out that he had a mild seizure and he would be ok. Thank God, but that was just a luck. What if there isn't a 24 hour vet? What if the nearest vet is 45 minutes to an hour away? What will you do then?
After that happened we decided to figure out what we could do if we had to handle the situation on our own. So I went online and looked around. I eventually found a site that was helpful a good resource that you could go back to, because you can download the information straight to your computer and don't have to be online to view it.
The site is called Kingdom of Pets. This site will also teach you other things like how to train your dog to be obedient and not such a pain in the butt. There is so much info on this site that it is worth giving it a look. So if your curious and want to give it a look, go to this link Click Here!
About the Author Do your pets a favor and take care of them!