Vegetarian are the people who do not eat any type of meat. They don't eat chicken, fish, non-vegetarian hamburgers and hotdogs. Vegetarians are classified by the type of food that they eat or don't eat. There are two types of vegetarians, firstly the Lacto-ovo vegetarians who don't eat animal flesh but they consume eggs and most of the dairy products. Secondly, Vegan vegetarians never consume any type of food that has any trace of animal origin or flesh.
Being a vegetarian is a very healthy style of eating and staying fit. But you should add variety, balance, and moderation to your vegetarian diet. The question arises that how the vegetarians will get enough protein because they don't eat meat. But the fact is that an average American actually consumes more protein than his body actually requires. Dairy products are an excellent source of protein for lacto-ovo vegetarians whereas nuts, seeds, and soy products completes the need of Vegan vegetarians.
Many types of vegetables and pulses are rich in proteins such as beans, green or red lentils, peanuts, split peas, pinto, soy, kidney, and many more. You generally consume proteins in many dishes such as kidney beans in chili, refried beans in Mexican dishes, red beans and rice, and pinto beans. Along with simple beans that taste good other type of beans are also available with different flavors to help enhance their taste. Eating one cup of cooked beans equals the same amount of protein as eating two ounces of meat. You must eat nuts in reasonable limits as they are high in protein and deliver more fat than beans.
Vegans, in North America are deprived of vitamin B12 as this vitamin is available only in animal food in that region but can fulfill their nutrient needs from supplements or food containing vitamin B12 such as soy products or milk. Vegans also have difficulty in fulfilling their need for calcium and vitamin D. Vegans can rely on orange juice, soy milk, beans and leafy green vegetables for their calcium needs. To stay healthy you must eat healthy. For this all vegetarians must control their vitamins and calcium intake and rely on simple food groups. After all it's on you to maintain your body healthy and fit!
About the Author Greg Culver is the owner of www.www.thehealthplanet.coma website devoted to providing information on health and wellness issues.