Do you really now if you are getting the best deal on auto insurance? Consumers across the country are paying different rates for the same auto insurance coverages. In fact the rates can vary up to six hundred dollars on a one year policy. So with this in mind are you paying more for your auto insurance than your friend, co-worker or neighbors? If so why? Are they smarter than you or did they do more research? Maybe they caught the the auto insurance company at the right time to get a better rate. Whatever it maybe research will be the key ingredient to finding the lowest possible premiums. The fact is companies rates vary significantly and no one knows the exact formula for getting discount auto insurance rates. Here you will find a checklist on what you can do to ensure yourself a monthly premium that everyone you know will envy and ask you for information on how to get them a lower rate on car insurance.
Comparison shop at least five internet and local companies in your area. Determine the top five best rates and start researching.
Researching the top five auto insurance companies will be simple. The best place to start would be BBB. Here you can locate a Better Business Bureau office near you. They will provide information on a company before you buy and let you know if they have had any negative feedback or disputes. Also you can ask questions about the company through forums, chat rooms and places on the web like Yahoo answers. Post a message about the business and find out who has purchased from that business before and how it went. This research will provide you information on how the company stacks up to others in the auto insurance business. You can also get some real good information on how accurate the quotes will be. It can be very frustrating to get a quote and end up paying more than you was promised. The power of knowledge and good research will save you money with more accurate quotes and better customer service.
Narrow your list of companies. After you have done your research you are ready to narrow down your list of auto insurance companies. You should try and eliminate six companies leaving you with four. At this point if you do not have at least four companies you are considering keep on comparison shopping. There are thousands of companies offering auto insurance premiums, and they are all very eager to get your business and best of all there is no charge to get a quote in most cases. Once you have the top four auto insurance companies to choose from it's not time to get the right coverages. Call each one and ask questions about the different coverage options each one has to offer and if there are any possible discounts you may qualify for. This process will also help you decide on which company has the best agents or customer service reps that you may have to deal with at a later time. Find an agent that is helpful and interested in your individual needs and shows concern. The right agent should be very educated and an expert in the auto insurance industry. This will help you in getting the right coverage for you and help you get the best auto insurance rate.
Share your rates with your family, friends and co-workers. Now that you know what your rates will be ask everyone you know what they pay for auto insurance. Share with them what you pay and how you obtained such a low rate. If for some odd reason they have a lower rate than you ask them which company they are with and get another quote from them. If they have lower rates talk to the company and find out if the coverages are the same and if you feel comfortable dealing with the agents and service reps from that company. Remember to compare apples to apples with your coverage before switching. Following this guide every six to twelve months will ensure you the best auto insurance rates on the market.
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