Dr Bob the Health Builder Sugar in Any Form is Unhealthy
Several years ago, I learned that grain and sugar carbohydrates (actually foods that are white) are unhealthy and we can become obese from these products (we also have to add corn into this because it is a grain - not a vegetable). There several reasons grains are unhealthy. The first and the worst are processed foods. Industrial food manufacturers strip all the nutrition from grains, fortify with chemical vitamins (that our bodies can't use), and then bake or extrude into a "food". They also add sugar, corn syrup, and other chemicals. Extruding maybe the worst because the high pressure and high heat destroys everything - including the artificial vitamins and the minerals (This is called fortification). This is the reason children should never have cold cereal - there is ZERO nutrition in cereal + lots of sugar is added to entice our children into eating this junk food. Breads are bad for the same reasons - sugars, fortified vitamins, and non absorbable minerals are put into the mix. White bread being bad is not new news, but the population is mislead because they think whole wheat bread is ok. We must read labels. Whole wheat bread is nothing more than a few chemicals to influence the color and taste. If you choose to eat organic whole wheat non chemical breads you still must consider several things. Whole wheat organic with molasses (this is less sugar - not as concentrated - plus real trace minerals) is much healthier but these grains still break down to sugars. We do not have the space to discuss the organophosphates - herbicides and pesticides - in this article but please remember that unless what you eat is organic it will have these toxic chemicals. As you read the rest of this article remember that Dr Otto Warburg's work discovered that cancer loves sugar and there is more than a casual relationship between the two entities. Also look at Dr Appleton's 146 reasons why sugar is unhealthy. Also be advised that drug corporations, medicine, and our government do not want you to know what we are discussing. There will never be a cure for cancer and heart disease - in fact there isn't a cure for anything - just treatment until you die. Our economy is based on no one ever getting well or off medications. If there was a magical cure for cancer and heart disease announced today, our economy would tank in a matter of days. Social Security is in trouble but if everyone lived and extra 5 to 10 years or more, SS would be in even worse shape than it's present prospects with the baby boomers retirements approaching. We can be healthier, and less obese. Read my e-book on eating healthy, lose weight, and remember SUGAR IS BAD for you and me. Every doctor learned back in medical school all about Otto Warburg's discovery; because way back in the thirties Otto discovered the main biochemical cause of cancer, or what differentiates a cancer cell from a normal, healthy cell. This discovery was so big that Otto Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize. Cancer has only one prime cause. It is the replacement of normal oxygen respiration of the body's cells by an anaerobic [i.e., oxygen-deficient] cell respiration. -Dr. Otto Warburg www.drbobthehealthbuilder.com www.wealthyhealthywise.net
About the Author Dr Bob the Health Builder
Robert D Bard, OD, FAAO
I attended West Virginia University and graduated from Pennsylvania College of Optometry with a Bachelor of Science degree and a Doctor of Optometry degree.
As a health professional I was always interested in disease prevention but found the medical model - drug companies and doctors - unacceptable. The medical model towards disease is that they want us - the people - to contract disease and