If you think that you may be at risk of developing diabetes then you should be aware of what the signs and symptoms of the disease so that that you can look out for them. The illness is genetic so if one or both of your parents have diabetes then you should be especially vigilant to the symptoms. If you experience even the most minor symptoms then it is certainly advisable to visit your doctor since it's better to be safe than sorry when it comes to disease. It's important that diabetes is discovered early so it can be kept under control and give you the best chance of a long and healthy life.
As you are probably aware there are two types of diabetes, Type I and Type II and the the symptoms of these while similar can also differ. With Type I the onset of the disease is very rapid and the symptoms take hold very quick and as a result the sufferer may first be diagnosed in an urgent trip to the emergency ward. With Type II the symptoms appear more mildly although in some cases the signs may not appear early at all and they are only diagnosed in a crisis situation.
The initial symptoms of both types are similar and sufferers will experience increased fatigue, hunger, thirst and need to visit the toilet to urinate. With Type I, although the diabetic will have an inflated appetite they will most likely lose weight as well as having fits of nausea and sickness. As mentioned before, in some cases Type II sufferers will not experience any of the early symptoms of the disease but they may later have blurred vision, loss of feeling and pain and have wounds that do not heal properly.
So, if any of the above sounds familiar then the best thing you can do is pay a visit to your doctor to get checked out. He will test your blood glucose levels and may even let you borrow a home glucose test kit so you can monitor the levels yourself any time you want. You cannot prevent the onset of diabetes but by at least getting it diagnosed you can begin to control the effects of it.
About the Author Andrew McNaught is a successful writer and publisher of top-health-solutions.com. He provides more information on Diabetes and other health issues on his website.