Year after year hair loss continues to hover at or near the top of most commonly seen medical problems among men. Some estimates put the percentage of men who will experience male pattern baldness, a receding hairline, a bald spot or frontal baldness at up to two thirds, and hair loss has been a growing problem in many women as well as in men. For the people who suffer from hair loss, frontal hair transplants can offer new hope. Although hair loss is not a life threatening condition, to the men and women who suffer it can certainly seem like one. No matter what its seriousness there is no doubt that baldness and hair loss can be a serious matter to those who suffer with it.
There are of course a number of different treatment options available for those men and women who suffer from hair loss problems. There are for instance a number of over the counter hair loss remedies, in addition to a growing number of hair loss treatments that are available only with a prescription from a doctor.
The effectiveness of these hair loss treatments and medications varies quite a bit, but in many cases these topical and oral medications work best when the hair loss is addressed as soon as it has began. The treatment options for more advanced hair loss can often be more limited, since hair loss of all types is generally progressive and does not stop once it has started. While over the counter and prescription creams, lotions and pills can help to stop hair loss from getting worse, finding a product to reverse hair loss and regrow lost hair can be quite a challenge.
Therefore, for those whose hair loss has already progressed the best choice may be frontal hair transplants. With a hair transplant, hair is taken from areas where there is still plenty of hair, and directly transplanted into the areas of the scalp where the hair is lacking. The advantages of this approach are many, including the fact that the transplanted hair can grow just like regular hair, and these frontal hair transplants can provide a much more natural look and feel as well.
The options for treating male pattern baldness and other hair loss are many, and the research into both topical treatments and hair transplantation is ongoing. The search for a true baldness cure is still going on, but there are a number of promising new treatments on the horizon, including prescription medications, topical ointments and creams and of course the promise of frontal hair transplants.
About the Author Cordell Varney has been a hair stylist for more than 20 years; consequently, she has heard and researched many hair loss treatments suggested by her clients. She has recently taken up interest in writing about hair loss on her website at If you are suffering from this condition, you can benefit from Cordell's site by finding out more on hair loss remedies.