Writers Note: Almighty God will Judge Chattanooga and the World. Those that have been called by God and have forsaken God for man and a few pieces of silver will see the end of the world. THOSE THAT HAVE LIED ABOUT THEIR CALLING WILL BE JUDGED. WE WILL SOON SEE THE WRATH OF GOD EXTENDED TO THOSE THAT SERVE MAN AND NOT GOD. ANY MAN WHO CLAIMS TO BE A PREACHER (RELIGIOUS LEADER) THAT FEARS MAN AND NOT GOD IS A FOOL- HELL BOUND. Peace, Carl A. Patton, Writing for The FreedomJournal 2000. See The Black Conspiracy: unpublished manuscript previously rejected as a doctoral dissertation by Atlanta University Political Science Department. CHATTANOOGA TENNESSEE A CASE STUDY IN RACISM AND BLACK ON BLACK DISCRIMINATION
Contemporary Sodom and Gomorrah: Vice, Infamy, Judgment (Updated 11 August 2006. Editors note: all information in this series is taken from a Doctoral Dissertation that was rejected by the Political Science Department at Atlanta University now know as Clark AU in Atlanta, GA)
Part 10: Hypocrisy Personified: NAACP, Urban League, PUSH, SCLC, Unity Group, And Black Caucus
The two oldest Black Civil Rights organizations are the National Association for The Advancement of Colored People and the Urban League. Both organizations have a local office in Chattanooga. A brief description of the development of these organizations will allow us to draw interesting parallels. This evaluation will also benefit our understanding of contemporary Civil Rights organizations in Chattanooga and throughout the United States. A primary point to consider in analyzing Black organizations in Chattanooga is the argument made previously by Richard Hope. Hope argues in general terms, concerning the White control factor of Black organizations. Chuck Stone is more specific in critiquing the NAACP. Stone argues that "the NAACP is guided, financed and controlled by White people."
Recently a veteran of the Civil and Human Rights struggle made the following assessment of the NAACP. Nathan Hare (Black Think Tank, San Francisco) in a message to the FreedomJournal regarding the willful and premeditated Censorship of Afro-Centric Black Publishers and writers argues: "beyond getting new jobs for Blacks in the media, the NAACP needs to deal with editorial and publishing restrictions and also limitations of distribution on the print side of the hill. Often, the addition of token Blacks to the managerial roster, though a good thing for other reasons, is nothing more than adding a powerless Black rubber stamp to what the book or magazine industry publishes."
The NAACP was founded in 1909. Kenneth Clark in noting the role of W.E. B. DuBois in founding the organization argues that: "The NAACP, from its beginning, took a more direct and militant stance, in spite of the fact that its founders and its Board of Directors were always interracial."
W.E.B. DuBois projected the militant stance of the NAACP. The evidence reveals that this stance is not a part of the NAACP's program today. The Urban League was founded a year later than the NAACP in 1910. While the NAACP worked to solve racial problems through legislation and litigation, the Urban League was founded "specifically to ease the transition of the southern rural Negro into an urban way of life."
The Urban League, as an interracial organization, seeks to secure equal opportunities for Blacks and other minorities through the economic sector. The local chapters of the NAACP and the Urban League in Chattanooga both follow the arguments assigned by Hope and Chuck Stone.
The NAACP and Urban League as allegedly nonpartisan organizations, often claim non-involvement in the political arena. However all of the Civil Rights organizations are political and have direct involvement in the political process. Therefore the NAACP, the Urban League, PUSH, SCLC all are controlled and financed by people outside the Black community. Thus, it does not take a brain surgeon to conclude that these organizations represent the interest of economic racism and mis-guided elements in the Black Middle-Class.
The Unity Group on the local level is an organization headed by Mr. Paul McDaniel. McDaniel is also a pastor of one of the largest churches in Chattanooga. Mr. McDaniel also served for many years on the Hamilton County Commission. Recently Paul McDaniel and his cadre of Uncle Toms: Johnny Holloway (also moderator of PUSH), Sherman Matthews, and Quenston Coleman harassed Psyche Publishing and rebuked the biography of the first Black Police Chief in the history of Chattanooga. (Chief Ralph (Big Ralph) Cothran). We will reveal a detailed discussion of the Crimes of Treason committed by these Negroes later in this series.
For the record The FreedomJournal Declares that Almighty God called Ministers to the Church for everlasting. God did not call part-time Ministers. God also did not call Ministers to lay down the cloth for the political arena or any other profession. Nor did God call Ministers to serve another Master. Mr. Ed. Burkeen in an early interview with this writer made some interesting comments with respect to religion and politics. Mr. Burkeen noted that "Ministers should stay out of politics; they should not be in the vanguard." Mr. Burkeen clarified his statements by noting that ministers may run for political office, but only in cases where they are not holding a full-time pastorship at a church. "Religious minded people want ministers to preach. The concept regarding politics and religion is different in the South than in the North or East."
In a direct reference to Paul McDaniel Mr. Burkeen notes: "Ministers that involve themselves in politics have their values mixed up. Ministers have sold out to the highest bidder just like other political figures. One would think that the duties of a minister would not allow him time to involve himself in politics."
Despite the profession of Black leaders in Chattanooga, many observers' view that Black leaders in Chattanooga (in the United States and the Diaspora) have serious problems. The main problem is that these leaders and organizations only serve to serve themselves and flunky for the White power structure. The Unity Group is an organization that is largely composed of members of McDaniel's church. Most if not all members are Precinct Chairmen, appointed officials and community workers. Potential candidates for public office contact the Unity Group, but the organization generally functions as a source of revenue for McDaniel and his personal political base.
God will Judge Chattanooga (and the world) and especially those that have made claims to be Shepherds of His flock. The Scriptures make clear statements on the wrath of God for those that Mis-Lead His people. We pray for the so-called Preachers of Chattanooga and the world. If there is a Godly Preacher anywhere in Chattanooga Will He Please Stand Up? We call on the Godly Preachers to Stand Up For God and Stop the Tradition of taking Pay-Offs from the racist's ungodly elements that seek to destroy the people of God.