What's the secret to having fun cooking? Is there a magic bullet that solves all the problems in the kitchen? Maybe, Maybe not. However, two undisputable elements of fun cooking are speed and quality. In other words, making fast cooking great, makes cooking fun!
Having fun cooking is the key to being able to cook dinner every day for your family even after a long day at work. That fun feeling will get you the accolades for a great dinner, which will in turn make cooking even more fun.
So how do we make fast cooking great? You start by breaking down the elements of cooking. We can do this by looking at cooking as a three-part process:
1. Preparation
2. Execution
3. Serving/Cleaning
Typically, the focus is on the execution. Do you have a great recipe? How much time do I cook the meat for? However all great chef's know that it's the preparation that is the key to making fast cooking great. In addition, planning for the serving/cleaning helps the experience remain fun after everyone is fed.
Before you begin to cook for your family, make sure you plan your menus before going to buy groceries. After you have a plan, think about what ingredients have the quality and convenience that will help you in the process of making fast cooking great. Thinking about this in the preparation process will help you whip out great food fast.
In future entries we will focus on some of the things you need to keep in mind to make sure you get the quality and convenience in your ingredients that will really make a difference for you in the kitchen. Until then have fun making fast cooking great.
About the Author
To learn more visit Hugo Felix at The Minute Gourmet, making great cooking easy, today! Also visit Hugo's blog for some lively discussion on making fast cooking great.