Haryana has registered more than five per cent increase in use of fertilisers during Rabi 2005-06 over the corresponding period of the previous year. During Rabi 2005-06, 9.27 lakh MTs of urea, 3.6 lakh MTs of DAP and 0.17 lakh MTs of MOP was used as against 8.84 lakh MTs, 3.6 lakh MTs and 0.07 lakh MTs of urea, DAP and MOP respectively in the rabi 2004-05. He said that availability of fertilisers during last rabi was not satisfactory but it remained satisfactory during rabi 2005-06. The availability was monitored on day to day basis and whenever any difficulty was experienced in its availability the matter was immediately taken with the Union Government and adequate supplies were ensured. The supply of fertiliser during ensuing Kharif season have been tied up with the supplier companies. They have prepare their monthwise and districtwise supply plans for the kharif season. The regulatory staff have been directed to monitored the supply and quality of fertilisers closely. They have also been directed to draw maximum samples from the prone fertilisers that is other than urea and DAP. Haryana Desk abcnewsnetwork
posted by haryana@abcnewsnetwork
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I am working as special correspondent in An online news agency abcnewsnetwork.
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