What has happened to job security? Have you thought of protecting yourself by owning your own business but are not sure where to start?
Owning your own business certainly isn't without its challenges. After all, as those with full time positions feel less secure about their future employment, they spend less money.
I currently work full time in an industry that is not very secure so, I also run my own business. The invested time that owning your own business requires is a small price to pay for the security of knowing that I have a plan B.
If you feel at like you may find yourself without a job at some point, now is a great time to be thinking about owning your own business. You may in fact find that owning your own business is the best thing that ever happed to you.
Does owning your own business seem too overwhelming for you? Where would you start, what would you have to do? The most important thing is just TO start one step at a time and know that you are never alone.
Think about what owning your own business could do for you? Would you love spending all of your time working with your favorite hobby?
Spend some time envisioning yourself owning your own business.
Take just 15 minutes in a quiet place. Block everything out of your mind completely. If necessary, take some deep breaths and concentrate only on your breathing. This will help you clear your mind and you'll be amazed how ideas will start to flow.
Slowly start thinking about the idea of owning your own business. What would you love to spend your days doing? Think about what owning your own business would feel like to you.
If you really can't take 15 minutes out of your day, take it just before going to sleep or when you wake up. Just concentrate on your breathing and owning your own business. If you have never done this before, it is extremely relaxing and it will help you to see things so clearly.
Could owning your own business involve making something? Is there a favorite food or thing that you currently make as presents for family and friends that you could produce and sell? Owning your own business could involve writing. Or maybe owning your own business could find you working with plants, animals or kids?
Would you love to be a stay at home mom? How much fun would owning your own business with your spouse, your sister or your best friend be?
The sky is the limit but don't put off taking the time to just let yourself relax and come up with a great idea. Owning your own business whether full time or part time is truly the answer to being able to have more of what you want.
I can tell you from experience that even with all of the effort that owning your own business requires, there is nothing like the freedom and satisfaction that you will feel when it is all set up.
The idea of what I wanted to do came to me early one morning. I realized that I would really love to help small business owners promote their businesses. I wanted owning your own business to be just a little easier by creating a network of small businesses that I could help to promote and offer advice to. This idea lead me to design and build http://GoldLatch.com; a place to list local products and services for FREE and my blog, http://Bizbae.com.
Owning your own business can at times make you feel alone with no where to turn for answers. My goal is to offer products, ideas and services that have worked for me in order to make owning your own business a little easier.
About the Author
Debbi Massé is the owner of GoldLatch.com where small businesses can list their products and services for FREE and Bizbae.com providing advice and ideas to small business owners.