How To Easily Get A Job.The Common Mistakes Made By A Job Seeker.
Would you like to learn how you can easily get a job?
Imagine finishing your university studies completely confident and prepared for the job market--- Knowing all that will be required of you as a job seeker.
Now I want you to imagine being completely in control of the outcome of your job s...
Finding Real Telecommute Home Jobs
I would like to talk to you about telecommuting jobs from real companies. There's a good chance that if you've done any type of work at home research on the internet you would have come across numerous scams and false promises. You may have probably encountered those sites which charge you an up...
Be Prepared For Any Interview Question
Things can go really against you despite your thorough preparation for a just a couple of 'types' of interview questions. However, it is possible to ignore or forget the other types of possible interview questions. This brings us to different 'types' of interview questions, along with traditiona...
Five Tips For Writing Attention-grabbing Cover Letters
A cover letter is perhaps the trickiest letter you will ever have to write as a job seeker. It can't be too long so as to bore the reader while at the same time, it can't too short either. If you really look at it, you won't be writing anything more than who you are and why are you writing the cover le...
Five Sure-Fire Tips For Writing A Winning Resume
Resume writing can be a real task for anyone, even if you have several years of experience in your job. Resume writing is in part an art, but mainly it is a science that plays upon the psyche of the reader. Leaving your resume written unscientifically will jeopardize your job prospects. T...
Session Singing - Your Day Job!
You've always had the dream, you want to go for it, but you hesitate cause you're not quite sure how to enter the market. You know that if given the opportunity, that you would rise to the occasion, do it and be successful! That's a common theme among singers who want to embark upon a career as a j...
Six Tips For Trust-Enhancing Communication
In an era where more people trust infomercials than company leaders, trust-enhancing communication skills, at any level, stand out. Below you'll find a few I learned in my twenty years in management. Some I learned the hard way, while others took me nearly a career to recognize. So, in the int...
Career Testing - Guidelines For Taking Career Tests
Career testing has become a very popular way of "discovering ourselves" and our abilities. However, many people tend to accept their test results as the absolute gospel truth about themselves and their occupations.
This in a way can be a very dangerous assumption and especially for indivi...
Why Aberdeen Is A Great Place To Live And Work
With its sparkling granite buildings, Aberdeen has one of Scotland's most enchanting skylines. It is home to a population of over 200,000 people and is a bustling, cosmopolitan city in the north-east of Scotland. This port city is not only the offshore oil capital, but it is also a global e...
How To Conduct a Local Job Search
In the past the best way to find a job was to look up in the newspaper, in its "help wanted" section. Many people have spent hours reading these employment advertisements and most of this time was wasted. When I graduated college I spent many days searching for a job. Reading the advertisem...