Planting Bulb Flowers
If you are a gardener or a flower lover person then you must have came across bulb flowers. These bulb flowers are liked by most of the gardeners, as they need less care and bloom again for many consecutive seasons without replanting them. Now you must have understood the reason why the bul...
Fast Growing Cold Hardy Bamboo In America
Running Bamboo is the most widely grown, fast growing type of bamboo plant in the world, and is comprised of over 700 species. The most widely used and possibly the 'King' of the running bamboo in the Phyllostachys genus, which is comprised of approximately 80 species. The most fast growing, po...
History Of Seedless Grapes And Raisins Used In Wine Making
In centuries past, ancient man noticed that grapes hanging on vines lasted for months, and even though seedy, the fruit was sweet to the taste. These grapes dried out in the sun and were called raisins. The raisins could be stored for months to be eaten at a later time, centuries before adva...
Clumping Cold Hardy Bamboo Plants In America
Clumping bamboo is composed of over 500 species, and is less adaptable than the running bamboo species. The vast majority of clumping bamboo species grow in the tropical, and sub-tropical regions around the world, however, several species will grow in the southern United States, zones 7 - 10. Clum...
Flowering Azaleas, Camellia, Crepe Myrtle (crape Myrtle), And Other Important Landscape Shrubs
Landscape shrubs are divided into two main categories: Evergreen shrubs grown primarily for the green leaves, and shrubs that are grown for flowers. Some of the flowering shrubs that are grown for flowers are also evergreen, such as: Albelia, Azalea, Banana shrub, Bottlebrush, Bridal Wre...
Evergreen Shrubs And Hedges Are Important, Cold Hardy Landscape Specimen Plants
Next to the landscape importance of trees is that of shrubs that grow in our gardens, parks, landscape foundation, street borders, and commercial landscapes. Thousands of different varieties of shrubs are grown to ornament lawns, yards, and borders, but only a few varieties are availa...
Details of Water Landscapes
Adding water falls or ponds to your landscape is a great way to make your yard stand head and shoulders above the rest. This has been a common way of giving landscapes a unique look for many years.
If you are looking into adding water falls or ponds to your yard, there are a couple of things t...
5 Quick Gardening Tips to Save You Money
It's easy to spend a fortune every year creating a beautiful yard. These five tips can help save you money in both this, and future gardening seasons.
1. Plan your vegetable garden according to what your neighbors are planting so you can share your vegetables when they're ready for eat...
Four Gardening Mistakes to Avoid
Save yourself time and frustration by avoiding these mistakes and your vegetable garden will be a success season after season.
1. Don't plant in too small of a space- make sure the area you are using is large enough for all your vegetable plants. For years, I kept making the mistake of buying t...
Artificial Mixtures
A functional design layout can be kept extremely easy for an indoor garden. For a small indoor garden, all forms and shapes work to create whatever ambiance and comfort-level is needed. No matter how small, any indoor space will do whether it's in the ranch-style home, a farmhouse, an apar...