"How to write a book about my life" - Releasing The Creative Genius
Have you been asking yourself "How do i write a book about my life?"
If you said yes then your on the right track but I have some bad news for you. If you are like most people who think this thought then you are never going to finish it.
Its true!
Dont worry odds are that you will start your book but you wi...
Promoting yourself as a Content Writer
Content writing is the one job which can even be done while sitting at your home. But that is only possible if you have ample of quality work and healthy list of clients. It's easy to become a content writer but tough to build and maintain that image. Nowadays content writers or even copywriters are prou...
How To Make Sure Your Essay Is Perfect
When you write an essay, it is important to make sure your document uses good grammar. While this may sound like common sense, you would be surprised by the number of people that make this mistake. Even if your essay presents good ideas, it will be rejected by people who read it if you have a large number o...
Frequently Asked Questions About Book Publishing
How long does it take to get a book published?
On the average about a year. Six months to write a nonfiction book or revise a novel after a publishing contract has been signed and six months for production from editing the manuscript to finding your book in a bookstore.
Why does production take six m...
Federal Resumes - 10 Tips For Success
Applying for A federal job requires you to take a different approach and adhere to a different set of rules and techniques. Unlike private sector recruitment, the procedures followed in federal recruitment goes by certain criteria and rules. The basic idea here is to provide every applicant an equ...
Write for Markets that Pay $1 per Word
I guess you would love to receive a check for a thousand bucks. You're not the only one. An exciting challenge for freelance writers is to break in to high-paying writing markets. I'm not talking about all the magazines that pay twenty or thirty cents per word. I'm talking about publications that pay a...
How to Write a Speech Introduction
introduction are: introduce your topic, yourself and the purpose of your speech. Make them want to hear the rest of your speech.
1. A good speech introduction is the same as making a good first impression. So, greet you audience and hosts, look at them, take a breath and then immediately catch the at...
Writing The Perfect Article
Now at a time when writing articles could help your job or work, facing the job at hand can still prove to be a headache.
While there are a great number of people who do not have the same attitude in article writing as others, there are still those who would rather walk in piping hot coals than do some arti...
What To Say When There's Nothing to Say
If you're anything like me, you'll have days when you wake up in the morning with that feeling of dread: when I get back to my creative work, I won't have anything to say.
It's an awful feeling. The ground seems to fall away from under me and in its place arises. P A N I C! The brain takes over, accelerates t...
Show Me the Money: How to Own Your Book's Financial Success
"How much money would you like to earn from your book," I ask my client.
From her facial reaction, I know that the question resonates as if I am asking how much her child is worth. It is challenging to most writers to think in terms of dollars and cents.
That's why I ask.
The romantic myth that money s...