Importance of Data Mining in today’s business world
What is Data Mining? Well, it can be defined as the process of getting hidden information from the piles of databases for analysis purposes. Data Mining is also known as Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD). It is nothing but extraction of data from large databases for some specialized work. Data...
Team Building - Collaborative vs. Competitive
hink back over all the team building sessions that you have attended over the years. There is a very good chance that at each and every one of them the facilitators organised your group into teams. Any that weren't were probably small groups. Sound familiar? Why do they do that? Well, one answer is to en...
The Chapter 13 Meeting of Creditors - What to Expect
Have you recently filed Chapter 13 Bankruptcy? Do you have an upcoming Meeting of Creditors hearing? Many Chapter 13 debtors get a little nervous about the meeting since they are not exactly sure what to expect. So, I decided to take some notes on exactly what happens during the meeting for the benefi...
Business Financing, Instant Cash For Your Business Needs
If you are planning to start a business or are looking to expand an existing business, you have to spend a fair amount of money at the onset. You will no doubt have heard the saying ˇ§you have to spend money to make moneyˇ¨. Well, you better believe it! The good news is that if your business starts doing wel...
Globalization – Future trend in Developed countries and Developing countries – Decade:
We are witnessing tremendous change on employability in the above two categories. When Globalization become more and more spreading its wings to entire globe we can expect in the next few decades, the size of working age population at both developed and developing countries will change dramatica...
Business Overhead Expense Insurance – Do I need it?
Personal disability insurance protects a physicians ability to earn income, but what protects his or her medical practice? Business overhead expenses are just as relentless for those who suffer a disability. A practice that relies on a small number of people (or one person) to produce revenue is e...
The Most Widely Spoken Language in the World
There are thousands of languages spoken throughout the world, but what is the most widely spoken? This may be more of a quiz question than one of interest to most people, but in business this is actually quite important. In 1999 the Summer Institute for Linguistics Ethnologue Survey gave us a list of t...
The 7 secret keys to wealth - Key #7: Compound Interest. By : Nathaniel Tabares
This article is one out of seven that I wrote about wealth. The whole series contain a lot of free valuable information about key factors that can help you become wealthy. The rich do things in a different way. That difference is the one I want to explain here. Let's scrutinize together these strategie...
Employee Cell Phone Abuse By : TopSavings.Net
Whether your business is big or small, eventually there will be abuse problems with company supported wireless communications. Here are some tips and advise for curbing the abuse and returning productivity back into the wireless world. Looking for a way to save your enterprise, small business, o...
The Spoils and Pitfalls of Joint Ventures By : Justin Bryce
If you are a small business owner or thinking of becoming one, you have probably heard the term "joint venture" or JV. All this means is a partnership between businesses that have specific interests in mind, such as combining their strengths or sharing their customers. When two parties e...